Sunday, January 3, 2010

Laugh, and the world laughs with you...

Fuzzy Bear Slippers should know by now that it is never a good idea to put an idea down in writing, due to the phenomenon know as "jinx".  Under normal circumstances a jinx might be easily resolved with a poke and a Coke, but alas this was to be for not.

As you may recall I had the audacity to resolve to be on time more often, and my first opportunity of the new year to be at a specific place at a specific time (namely church at 12:30pm today) I was, of course, late.  Not just late, SPECTACULARLY late.  Late in such a fashion that it could only be the cruel hand of fate letting me know exactly what I could expect from the coming year.  As I was running just a bit late, Baby Bear Slippers and I dashed out to the car.  Like I said, late, but not very.  We climb into the car, I put the key in, turn it, aaaaaaaannnnnndddddd...

A loud screeching sound eminates from my car that sounds nothing like an engine turning over, but sounds suspiciously like being very late for church.  I have had my car for just a few days over 5 years, and with the exception of the month that it was in the shop after I wrecked it, I have not had one day of trouble from it.  I must admit, I find it humorous that it waited until I put into writing my desire to be on time. 

So, I said a quick prayer, ran in to my house to get Mr. Bear Slippers who looked at it and finally suggested that I try applying a little gas to prime it, which, incidentally worked.  I am not sure why my car needed priming now, when it hasn't required any such treatment in 5 years, but alas at least I managed to make it to church at all.  I was a half hour late, but it could have been worse.

In spite of what one might call an "omen" I am determined to have a good year this year.  We celebrated a delightful birthday for Mr. Bear Slippers and I have a whole year to make 2010 work for me.  I won't be taken down by a little car trouble.  So, ha ha!  Take that Batman!

F. Bear Slippers

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